Wow, what a weekend! I left for Chicago on Thursday morning and got back Sunday afternoon. Yesterday was somewhat a day of recovery from the "vacation hangover."
I {heart} Chicago! This was such a fun trip, and I LOVED seeing my HYWWP girls again! The sites, the entertainment, the condo, the shopping, the food....oh my....the food. Let me just say -- I will never be able to love regular pizza again after having Chicago deep-dish pizza!
We took HUNDREDS (literally, I think the last count of all the pics we took was over 900) of photos to share, but that will have to wait for another time. The one here was taken at Buckingham Fountain when we went to Taste of Chicago.
I already miss my girls. :( I wouldn't have traded my time with them this past weekend for anything....I enjoyed every minute of it. Can't wait for next year!! :)