While browsing blogs the other day, I came across this wonderful idea for
The ABCs of Me. Brilliant idea! I totally want to get through the whole alphabet this year and then make into a mini album or something. :) I never ever scrap about myself, so this will be a great way to document
For those of you who are interested (and may want to join along!), basically this is how The ABCs of Me works:
I will start with letter A (though you can start with any letter you want, I just get easily confused) hehehe. I will think of things that have to do with myself that start with the letter A....favorite things, places I've been, something about my childhood, etc....just
ANYTHING that has something to do with ME. Then, I will blog about these things, as well as include corresponding pictures.
Warning: You may learn more about me than you ever wanted to! ;) But this is gonna be fun!
Make sense? Okay, here I go with letter A:
1. Aaron - Aaron is my youngest son...my second child...my
baby. He has always had this "glow" of happiness about him. Even when he was just a tiny baby, people always asked us, "Is he
always this happy?" And we would proudly reply, "
YES!" :) He's a happy boy. Creative. Charming (and he knows it). Loves to sing, wear costumes, and put on puppet shows. Loves to watch Imagination Movers. Silly, kissable, sweet as can be. Always wants reassurance that he's being a "good boy." Always wants family members around.
ADORES his grandfathers, even when he was an infant...he's always had a special connection with both my father and my husband's father. He keeps me on my toes...and he keeps a smile on my face!
2. American Idol - I know, I know...this show is old news. But I still love it and watch it religiously! I love it all...from the tryouts all the way through. Even the dumb stuff they add to make it more appealing to viewers. It'll be different this year with all the judges leaving and new ones taking their spots. But music is music, and I love it. You think it's a coincidence that Aaron (see #1) was born on the night that Taylor Hicks was crowned as the winner of American Idol Season #5?
3. Abilene, Texas - Oh, Abilene. Only an hour away from my hometown, but yet it seemed so far away. When hubby and I got married, we moved to Abilene and lived there for around 4 years. This was the first time either one of us was away from our families and hometown. It was a bigger city. More exciting. More options. Better restaurants and shops. Better job opportunities. But it wasn't
home. It never quite felt like
home. Our last year in Abilene was probably one of the most lonely times I have ever felt. I had no friends and no family nearby. No church family since we drove back home every weekend to go to church. I had my first baby in Abilene and came home to an empty house. No one there to show me what to do. It was just me, my husband, and our new baby. We felt so alone, so clueless, and so lost. But we made it through and realized that we could do it on our own. We grew up
a lot in Abilene.
4. August 8, 2002 - The day my life was forever changed for the better...the day I became a
mommy! My Evan was born on 8-8-02. I still remember every detail of that day (the details that the anesthesia and pain pills allowed me to remember, at least). Being a mommy is the greatest gift I have ever been given.
5. April 11 - My birthday! Sometimes my birthday falls on Easter Sunday. I love Spring, so I enjoy having a birthday in April.
6. Ally McBeal - Another oldie but goodie! I loooove this show. Quite possibly one of my most favorite shows of all time. I am THRILLED that Reelz Channel is showing old reruns of Ally on weekdays. I am recording them all on the DVR and watching them whenever I can. I started watching this show when I was going to college and staying with a friend of the family a few days during the week (since college was an hour away from home). We would watch it on Monday nights as we ate supper. I continued watching this after my hubby and I got married and had our own place. I was so sad when the show was over! :( If ever there was a show that had perfect casting for their characters, this would be it! I love all the characters and their weird little quirks...and the Unisex bathroom...genius. So many great scenes filmed in there.
Okay, it's your turn! If you want to start doing some ABCs of Me Posts (even if you can only do a few this year), I'd love to see what you do! Please comment here and leave your blog address so I can read about your "ABCs of Me." :) Have fun!